Pollution of U.S. Waterways and the Devastation it Causes: Chicago Wastewater

In the U.S. alone over two-thirds of estuaries and bays suffer from phosphorus and nitrogen pollution, and the Mississippi river alone feeds almost 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollutants to the Gulf of Mexico each year. One of the primary sources of both nitrogen and phosphorus pollution can be traced back to untreated wastewater … Continue reading Pollution of U.S. Waterways and the Devastation it Causes: Chicago Wastewater

The Race Card Project: My Own Entry

During class one day my professor discussed race, how it affects people, how it effects out lives, and how perception of race is molded into stereotypes that one falls back upon when making observations of others. She had divided us into groups around the room, based upon where we sat, and assigned to each group … Continue reading The Race Card Project: My Own Entry

Sociological Blog Post Analysis: Prof. Nathan Palmer

"This proves you were wrong.", a statement that sparked Nathan Palmer, a senior lecturer at The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, to write about how disproportionalities between statistical information can cause confusion about the validity of percentage-based statistics. The topic that Palmer had been confronted about was how a table from the class text "proved" a statement of … Continue reading Sociological Blog Post Analysis: Prof. Nathan Palmer

How do Sociological influences effect the writing of the New-Adult Genre?

"What is it millennials prefer to read for fun/ for the sake of reading?" When this question was posed to me, I found it easy to answer. Until I was asked "Why?". This got me to thinking, why exactly do I enjoy reading what I do? In this, I hope to determine better what issues most heavily influence the opinions of young adults, and new adults on the NewAdult genre.